Estate Care

James Reid's offers Estate Care to assist families with the often overwhelming practical needs immediately after a death. 

Therese Barrett, our Estate Care Provider, will meet you at the funeral home to assist personally in the many details and decisions that must be taken care of in the midst of your grief. She will set up a convenient time with the executor (or next-of-kin) usually a day or two after the death or service and work through your person's estate. 

Therese will help with your CPP applications, return the Health Card to Service Ontario, notify pension plans and life insurance companies and give you direction on what needs to be done with credit cards, bank accounts, passports and more.   

We get as many or more thanks for this service as we do for arranging and directing funerals. We designed this service due to feedback our bereavement support providers gave us: finances and estate matters are foremost in people's minds after a death. Feelings are often put on hold until survivors have a way of handing these responsibilities. Estate care  is an excellent way to help families heal after a death. 

Estate Care Assistance is available to every family but is not included in the Minimum Services, Simply J.R., Plan.