"A Grief Primer": A Video Overview

Presented by our Bereavement Providers Sarah Reid, Therese Barrett, and Barb Mundell

Recorded by the Anglican Diocesan of Ontario


“It’s one of those things where you don’t know what you don’t know.”

Bereavement support. That’s what this family member is talking about. When her husband died, she thought she’d cry at home, head out and get things done, rinse and repeat. It was a busy time taking care of his estate. Now, months later, the stress is finally less. She has competently managed. But she is discovering that there is more. She can fall asleep but cannot stay asleep. She sees him in strange places. She's developed headaches and her sons look away when she cries for no reason. It's been a long time since she felt like "herself."

That’s where James Reid Funeral Home comes in with Bereavement Support, a complimentary service you activate with a simple phone call or email when you are ready. It’s not articles online. It’s not a monthly mailing. It’s a relationship built with a Bereavement Support Provider through monthly phone calls or visits for a year after the service (or for six hour-long sessions for self-referrals from the community). It’s a safe place to learn what you don’t know you don’t know about the grief process. With a listening ear, it’s exploring the ways you may be feeling you are going crazy, and finding assurance that you’re not. 

It’s also finding a grieving community. James Reid Funeral Home leads a monthly discussion series, "The Examined Life" about death, dying, and grief, and we lead spring and fall 'Walking Through Grief' Groups, co-hosted by Hospice Kingston, at Lemoine Point.  Everyone is welcomed by the Support Providers and by peers for whom Bereavement Support is breaking out of the default isolation. It’s the chance to sit, walk, share and listen with others who are there too. 

As this family member speaks with James Reid Funeral Home Bereavement Support, she is exploring her natural response to an unwelcomed event. She is sharing a vocabulary of grief that is a precious commodity for her. Self-understanding and clarity about her responses increase her all-over health. James Reid Funeral Home continues relationship with family members and contributes to the greater community through supporting bereaved people after a death. 


Walking through grief group

During the nicer weather, James Reid's offers a bereavement walking group at Lemoine Point Conservation area in the spring and the fall. Our walking group invites all bereaved individuals who have experienced the death of someone significant.  We enjoy the refuge of Lemoine Point and the understanding of others. If you are grieving and would like to make connections with nature and people, this walk is for you.

The Spring 2023 we will resume Walking Through Grief on Wednesday, May 24th.  The group will meeting every Wednesday EVENING for six weeks at 5:00 pm to 6:00pm, picnic refreshments provided afterwards.

We meet at the main parking lot – follow Coverdale Drive and past Rotary Park entrance to Lemoine Point.). Cancellation due to bad weather. If unsure, call James Reid’s, 613-544-3411. There is no charge for this group.

James Reid FUneral Home Lending Library

Please feel free to browse our well-stocked bookcase of books relating to grief and bereavement. You may borrow these books freely after Public Information Evenings or during regular funeral home hours. There is a three-month lending period.

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Barb has lived and worked most of her life in the Kingston area. Following her education and a
long career at Queen’s University, she has been honoured to support the community in grief, supporting families with Bereaved Families of Ontario (Kingston Region) and the Nanny Angel Network. As well as providing grief support, Barb has extensive experience in organizing offices and running groups. In her spare time, she can be found with family at the cottage and she loves to cook and paint.

Please contact Barb directly via email events@jamesreidfuneralhome.com or call us at 613-544-3411 for bereavement support. 

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Our 2021 Candle Lighting Ceremony

Please COntact our Bereavement SUpport Coordinator Barb mundell

Phone: 613-544-3411

Email: events@jamesreidfuneralhome.com